What Is Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) is a form of tendonitis that causes pain and discomfort in the muscles on the inside of the elbow and forearm. This injury usually occurs as the result of repetitive swinging, gripping, or flexing of the wrist. Uncontrolled use of the forearm muscles can cause the tendons to degenerate over time.

Golfer’s Elbow is similar to Tennis Elbow. A person with tennis elbow will feel pain and discomfort on the outer side of the elbow, as opposed to the inside of the elbow. Both conditions are caused by tendon overuse and the methods used to treat them are similar.

Symptoms of Golfer’s Elbow

Pain is the most common symptoms of Golfer’s elbow. Pain may occur along the inside of the elbow and can radiate up and down inner side of the forearm, wrist and it can also occur in the fingers. Pain may worsen with certain movements, like twisting a door knob, shaking hands or squeezing a ball.

Elbow stiffness and weakness in the hand or wrist may also indicate Golfer’s elbow. Some people may also experience a tingling sensation and numbness in the fingers.

Non-Surgical Treatment for Golfer’s Elbow

An orthopedic doctor can usually diagnose bursitis by conducting a physical exam and reviewing a

The majority of patients will be able to reduce or alleviate their symptoms using a combination of non-surgical treatments.

An orthopedic doctor can determine the best methods to treat a patient’s symptoms based on the severity of the condition. Some of the most common treatments recommend for Golfer’s elbow include:

Activity Modification – identifying the activities that are irritating the tendons. Avoiding any movements that cause pain allow the tendon to heal.

RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation

Physical Therapy – physical therapy typically includes flexibility and strengthening exercises.

Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medication – Over The Counter NSAIDS like ibuprofen or naproxen

The use of a brace of splint may be recommended to patients who are experiencing a lot of pain.

Patients who are unable to improve their symptoms using the aforementioned treatments may consider PRP Therapy or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy to stimulate the healing process.

Surgery may be indicated for patients who are unable to resolve their symptoms after six months to a year of conservative treatment. A surgical procedure typically involves removing scar tissue and repairing the damaged tendon. The need for surgery to treat Golfer’s elbow is rare.

Orthopedic Elbow Doctors At The CMD

If you have injured your elbow or you have been experiencing elbow pain for more than a week, schedule an appointment with an orthopedic elbow specialist at the Center For Musculoskeletal Disorders.

Our specialist will evaluate your condition or injury and discuss the best options for treatment.
