Morton’s Neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma is an abnormal thickening of the tissue near the intermetatarsal nerve, which travels between the base of two toes. Thickened tissue in this confined space causes an entrapment issue.

This condition (also known as intermetatarsal neuroma) commonly develops on the ball of the foot between the third and fourth toes, but can also occur between the second and third toes.


A person with this condition may feel like they are walking on marble. There aren’t any visual indications of this disorder, just physical.

Morton’s Neuroma can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Burning Sensation
  • Throbbing

Symptoms usually progress over time if left untreated. Pain can become severe over time. Early treatment is highly recommended to avoid a surgical correction.

Causes & Risk Factors

The cause of Morton’s Neuroma is unknown. Women are much more likely to develop this disorder than men, and that fact is often attributed to footwear. High heels, shoes with a pointed toe box, and tight-fitting shoes can place undue stress on the toes and ball of the foot.

Additional risk factors include:

People who participate in a high impact athletic activities like basketball or soccer may also have an increased risk of developing this condition.


A podiatrist will review your medical history, ask about your symptoms, and perform a physical exam. An X-ray or additional imaging test may be ordered to rule out other conditions like arthritis or joint inflammation.

Treatment For Morton’s Neuroma

Initial treatments for this condition are usually simple and conservative in nature and can include:

  • Activity Modification
  • Changes in Footwear
  • Ice Packs to Reduce Swelling

If initial treatments methods fail to reduce a patients symptoms, cortisone injections may be used to help reduce inflammation and pain. The primary goal of treatment is to reduce pressure in the affected area.

Surgery may be recommended if conservative treatment methods aren’t successful. A surgeon may cut into the surrounding tissue to relieve compression on the nerve or the nerve may be removed.

Surgery is a last resort and not commonly needed to treat Morton’s Neuroma.

Schedule An Appointment With A Podiatrist

The skilled and highly experienced podiatrist at The Center For Musculoskeletal Disorders routinely treat conditions and injuries that cause foot pain. Schedule an appointment to have your condition accurately diagnosed, evaluated and treated.

Our podiatrist will work with you to create an individualized treatment plan to help you return to an active and pain free lifestyle.