Trigger Finger

Also known as Stenosing Tenosynovitis, Trigger Finger occurs when the flexor tendon becomes inflamed as a result of irritation. This condition makes it difficult to straighten or bend the finger or thumb joint. The affected digit may snap when you bend or straighten it. In severe cases, a finger may be stuck in a bent position. Trigger finger symptoms can also include stiffness in the fingers and swelling.

Trigger Finger is not considered a serious condition, but it can be very annoying and possibly painful. If left untreated, it can continue to advance. Symptoms are typically more severe early in the day and lessen as the days goes on.

Causes of Trigger Finger

Trigger finger may be the result of overuse or an injury. A person who engages in an activity that requires repetitive gripping may be at risk for developing this Trigger Finger.

This condition is more commonly found in people over 40 years old, diabetics and people who have had carpal tunnel surgery. Woman are more likely to develop this condition than men.

Conservative Trigger Finger Treatment

This disorder is typically treated with non-surgical and minimally invasive treatments. Some combination of activity modification, heat, a splint, rest and anti-inflammatory medications are commonly used to treat this condition. A cortisone injection might be recommended to reduce swelling and help the tendon to move freely if the condition is slow to subside.

Surgery for Trigger Finger may be recommended if the aforementioned conservative treatments fail to remedy the condition or if the condition has become advanced.

If you are experiencing pain, popping, swelling or mobility issues it’s probably in your best interest to make an appointment with an orthopedic hand specialist and have your condition properly diagnosed and evaluated. Most hand conditions will benefit from non-operative treatments if they are identified and treated early on.