Hip Osteotomy

In an effort to preserve the hip and natural bone, an Osteotomy may be required to reduce pain, wear and unnatural stress on the hip joint. Correction of the hip anatomy will reduce the progression of osteoarthritis and symptoms.

Hip Conditions Treated

The two conditions most frequently treated by a hip osteotomy are:

Hip Dysplasia – the acetabalum (hip socket) doesn’t fully cover the femur. Since the femur and acetabalum do not fit properly, body mechanic are altered and the labrum and the articular cartilage that cover the acetabalum. Over time pain can develop as a result of the cartilage wear, causing degenerative damage and a reduction in the hip joints range of motion. This malformation is due to the acetabalum not growing properly through childhood and adolescence. While this congenital condition starts during childhood, a patient may not exhibit symptoms until adulthood.

Hip Impingement – Bone growth (bone spurs) cause friction, potentially damaging articular cartilage, the labrum and the bones of the hip joint. A unnaturally shaped femoral head or an acetabalum that covers too much of the femoral head may cause a hip impingement.

Osteotomy Procedures

While there are several types of hip osteotomies, the two most commonly performed types are Femoral and Periacetabular.

Femoral Osteotomy – the femoral bone is cut, reshaped and realigned to a natural position, preventing further cartilage damage and reducing stress on the hip joint.

Periacetabular Osteotomy (Ganz Osteotomy) – an orthopedic hip surgeon cuts around the pelvis to access and loosen the hip socket so that it can be repositioned to a more natural position, securely around the femoral head. This procedures is usually done under fluoroscopy to provide the surgeon with continuous X-ray guidance.

A patient who has an osteotomy will stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days after surgery. After surgery a patient will be walking in couple of days with the aid of crutches. Crutches should be used for a few months. Full recovery can take 9 to 12 months.

Hip Osteotomy Advantages

An Osteotomy has several advantages over total hip replacement surgery. A patient who needs an osteotomy is typically young and would probably outlive the implants used in a replacement procedure. That means a revision surgery would be required down the road, which is a more complicated procedure. Another benefit if the preservation of natural bone, which means sensations of the hip joint are retained and a patient will have less physical restrictions than one who has had joint replacement surgery.

Hip Doctors At The CMD

The board certified orthopedic hip surgeons and doctors at The Center For Musculoskeletal Disorders are highly experienced treating hip conditions and injuries. We offer conservative and surgical treatment to relieve hip pain and restore functionality to the hip joint.

If you have a hip disorder or injury, it’s best to get an accurate diagnose, evaluation and individualized treatment as early as possible to avoid or delay the need for surgery down the road.