Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a healthcare profession that deals with the body’s main structures: the skeleton, muscles and nerves. By making adjustments to these structures (particularly the spinal column), health can be improved. Chiropractic generally treats disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system, addressing the following:
- Back and neck pain
- Headaches
- Joint pain
In addition to chiropractic adjustment, chiropractors may also recommend:
- Diet, nutrition and lifestyle modifications
- Exercise
- Heat and cold
- Massage
- Occupational needs
Beneficiaries of Chiropractic Care
Extensively utilized, an estimated 20 million Americans annually seek chiropractic care. It is widely acknowledged as a safe therapy that is drug-free and non-invasive. However, it can also be used (when indicated) in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.
Those who benefit from chiropractic care include:
- Patients of all ages
- Patients with a wide array of musculoskeletal system disorders and injuries
- Patients with general health issues
- Patients who seek to maintain general health via the chiropractic method
Spine Specialist At The CMD
If you in pain or discomfort, schedule an appointment at one our Orthopedic Spine Centers in NY or NJ to get an current diagnose, evaluation and individualized treatment guidance. Our orthopedic spine doctors use most current and advanced non-surgical and surgical treatment to relieve back and neck pain.
At The Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders, we include the use of chiropractic and other providers among our effective and non-invasive treatment options. We work closely with our experienced chiropractors to coordinate a customized program for our patients.