Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy (OT) is a healthcare profession rooted in both the medical and social sciences. It is designed for those recuperating from physical or mental conditions, disabilities or illnesses. It facilitates rehabilitation to help those patients recover, and develop or improve skills needed for daily life.

Occupational therapy focuses on adapting to the environment for everyday life. The activities that make that possible are called “occupations.”

Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists usually have a master’s degree in their profession. They work with patients in a variety of settings, such as doctors’ offices, hospitals, nursing homes, schools and residences. All therapists are required to be licensed in every state. Therapists work with every age group from newborns to those in hospice care.

Categories for Occupational Therapy

According to the Virginia Stoeffel, President, American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), people who benefit from occupational therapy include those who are:

  • Dealing with autism or other developmental disorders
  • Elderly
  • Recovering from various surgeries (such as hip replacement)
  • Suffering from depression and/or anxiety
  • Veterans

The Journey of Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy follows a particular path. It begins with an initial session where the therapist confers with an individual (or his/her family) in order to assess the situation and determine goals. Then, the therapist creates and conducts a customized plan. This plan helps to improve the patient’s ability to perform his/her daily activities. As the therapy progresses, the therapist develops an evaluation to summarize outcomes and ensure the goals are being met. Adjustments to the plan can be made as desired.

Orthopedic Treatment At The CMD

At The Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders, we include the use of occupational therapist, chiropractors and massage therapist amongst our effective and non-operative treatment options. We work with experienced therapist to coordinate a customized treatment program for our patients.

If you experiencing pain, swelling or discomfort as the result of an injury or orthopedic condition, schedule an appointment at one our Orthopedic Centers in NY or NJ to get a diagnosis, evaluation and treatment options. Our orthopedic doctors and providers use most current and advanced non-operative treatments whenever possible to address conditions that cause chronic pain.