Hip Arthroscopy

In some cases, hip surgery can be done using minimally invasive techniques. An arthroscope can be used to examine or treat the area inside the hip joint. A small incision is made and a camera is passed through, providing a visual image of the joint. A surgeon may make additional small incisions to insert surgical instruments used to surgically repair an injury or disorder. An arthroscopy can be performed under regional or general anesthesia depending on you and your surgeon’s preference.

Most patients who have hip pain, stiffness or swelling wil benefit from the use of non-surgical treatments. Physical therapy, activity modification and medication are commonly used in an attempt to avoid or delay a surgical procedure. If a patients is not able to significantly reduce their symptoms, surgery may be recommended.

Advantages Of Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery

The use of an arthroscope has several advantages over open surgery. Patient who have had a minimally invasive procedure generally experience less pain and recover faster than a patient who has had an open procedure.

While the use of minimally invasive techniques to treat hip conditions has increase dramatically over the years, some conditions require open surgery.

Arthroscopic Hip Procedures

An orthopedic hip surgeon may recommend an arthroscopic procedure to examine or treat the following hip conditions:

Labrum Repair – torn labrum repair. The labrum lines the acetabular socket
Bone Spur Removal – bone spurs caused by arthritis or an injury .
Partial Synovectomy – Removal of part of the inflamed synovium, a thin membrane that surrounds the hip joint.
Loose Bodies – removal of lose bits of cartilage or bone in the hip joint area.
Gluteus Medium Repair – Torn gluteus medium muscle repair (muscle on the outside of the hip).

Hip Preservation – In an effort to prevent or delay hip joint replacement surgery, younger patients may use a combination of non-surgical treatments and arthroscopic surgery to restore hip functionality and reduce pain. Mechanical issues are treated before they progress into more debilitating conditions. Examples of arthroscopic hip preservation procedures includes Pelvic Osteotomy, Cartilage Damage, Debridement, Bone Spur Removal and Tissue Grafts.

Post Operative Care After A Hip Arthroscopy

Your orthopedic hip surgeon will prescribe pain medication and discuss post-operative treatment based on the condition treated. Ice packs can be used to help with any post-operative swelling.

Most patients should expect to use crutches to limit weight placed on an operated hip. Physical therapy and exercise will help to restore hip functionality, strength, and flexibility.